Etex Telephone Cooperative, a carrier operating in northeast Texas, has purchased multiple components of Occam Network’s Broadband Loop Carrier (BLC) system to provide its customers with IPTV, along with voice and data.
Etex is planning a mixed copper and fiber triple play deployment, giving its customers a rich offering of advanced services. The carrier is deploying several of Occam’s ADSL2+ blades inside an Occam BLC 6012 chassis. One blade can provide up to 48 ports of ADSL2+ with lifeline POTS on the same physical interface to deliver voice, data and video services.
“We are deploying one of the largest Triple Play installations in Texas,” said Danny Johnson, assistant manager of Etex Telephone Cooperative. “To date, Occam’s BLC implementation has met all of our expectations and their engineers have completed all the projects we identified on time and on budget.”