Everett Charles Technologies (ECT) announces that its Contact Products Group (CPG) and Fixture Services Group (FSG) will showcase the company’s latest test solutions in Hall A1, Booth 124 at Electronica 2010, scheduled to take place November 9-11, 2010 at the New Munich Trade Fair in Munich, Germany.
Newly appointed Global Sales Director of the Contact Products Group Gary Stoffer, said, “Customers from a broad range of manufacturing disciplines visit Electronica and CPG will exhibit its entire range of Contact Products, Ostby-Barton and Pylon Pogo® pins, addressing the in-circuit, functional, semiconductor, high frequency coaxial, high current and battery interconnect markets.”
ECT’s CPG will highlight:
• An expanded range of LFRE™ tip styles
• The new long-travel Z3 addition to the ZIP® family of “flat” technology Pogo® pins
• An expanded line of in-circuit and functional Fixture Accessories including an expanded line of LEDCHECK™ 3, 5 and 8 channel analog and digital color analyzers; Open Testing Products supporting Agilent, Teradyne and Genrad testers; and Floating Test Connectors for testing USB, Mini-USB, Micro-USB, HDMI and all other typical I/O ports
ECT’s FSG will showcase its latest fine-pitch, high-production volume and mechanical fixture technologies including:
• The ZOOM™ (Patent #5,818,248) product line, introduced in 2009, shifted the accuracy of ICT test fixtures to the next capability level, allowing access to 0.7mm and smaller test centers
• The PURE ZOOM™ (patent-pending) product line leverages the ZOOM™ concept to the New Product Introduction (NPI) environment by providing the great access capabilities of the ZOOM™ at a minimum of 60 percent less cost than a conventional ICT fixture
• The VG™ Series interconnect fixture, receivers and blocks for VXI, PXI and GPIB systems