If you want to delve into the depths of the ocean and have a lot of extra cash, then you should seriously consider owning the Ortega Mk. 1C personal submarine.
Each Mk. 1C is decked out with many high-tech features. The personal submarine has a trimming tank, head-up display (HUD) navigation, and an onboard breathing apparatus. Additional gadgets include magnetometers, sonar, and forward looking infrared (FLIR) cameras. In order to sustain activity both under and over the water, the Mk. 1C is powered by two robust electric motors, supporting dive depths up to 310 ft. (95 m).
This three-seater can travel on the surface at a speed of 9 knots (10.4 mph), and a submerged speed of 11 knots (12.7 mph). As you’re enjoying the ocean view, the Battery Management System (BMS) ensures every battery cell is in pristine condition, allowing for a longer and safer experience. The BMS autonomously balances the submersible Hancell 378i Battery Pack system, always outputting an optimal power performance.
Sensors that provide remotely operated vehicle (ROV) capabilities are available with the large battery pack. The power supply and design dimensions offer the possibility for a variety of positioning and acoustic sensors.
Currently, pricing figures have yet to be disclosed, but my senses predict this personal submarine will be quite expensive. So, unless you already own a private jet, a couple of mansions, and a luxury yacht, then perhaps you’ll have to delete this item from your Christmas list.
Scroll through the photo gallery below to see the Mk. 1C’s modern and sleek design.