Emerson Network Power, a business of Emerson, has added a 1,050
W model to its line of bulk front end AC-DC power supplies that meet the Climate
Savers Computing gold standard for efficiency—the DS1050-3. The power supply has
a power density of 19 W per cubic inch and can achieve a high typical conversion
efficiency of 92% at 50% full load.
Emerson Network Power’s popular distributed power front-end power
supplies—with individual power ratings up to 3,000 W—feature industry-leading efficiency
and density in standard 1U, 2U, or 3U form factors for applications using distributed
power architectures.
The Emerson Network Power DS1050-3 generates a main payload output
of 12 VDC and an auxiliary output of 3.3 VDC, or 5.0 VDC as an option, for powering
standby circuitry. It features a wide 90 to 264 VAC input voltage range and employs
active power factor correction to minimize input harmonic current distortion and
ensure compliance with the international EN61000-3-2 standard, with a power factor
of 0.99 typical. To simplify incorporating the new power supply in equipment designs,
it accepts the widely available IEC C14 ac input power connector.