Analog Modules Inc.’s Model 762 OEM programmable seed laser
diode drivers (pump laser diode drivers) are ideal for driving 14-pin butterfly
packaged laser diode modules for use in CW or pulsed fiber MOPA systems. The
driver circuitry operates from a single 5.0 V power source and is capable of
providing up to 2.5 A of drive current with compliance voltages up to 2.5 V. Pulse
widths down to 20 ns or less are possible with typical optical pulse rise times
of 10 ns. Settings can be made through analog operation by the use of
multi-turn potentiometers and providing an external TTL trigger pulse or
through the on-board FPGA, which contains a comprehensive pulse generation
system. The board includes a bidirectional PID thermoelectric cooler
controller, provides sensing for a back facet monitor, and outputs a digital
laser fire indicator pulse and scaled analog output. A RoHS version is