Hulu has teamed up with 19 Entertainment, which created “American Idol,” to create a reality TV show that will extend Hulu’s users beyond the United States.
According to the Web site All Things Digital, the international reality show revolves around actors and singers in Hollywood who all live in the same house. The show will be available for access by Internet users in the United Kingdom, and possibly more countries, via Hulu’s Web site.
While Hulu has been successful in attracting Internet users in the U.S. to its Web site, the content isn’t available in countries such as Canada because Hulu doesn’t have permission from the content owners to stream videos to users there.
The show, which is called “If I Can Dream,” is slated to start airing on Hulu next year, with Ford and Pepsi signed on as advertisers.
Hulu is now owned by the Comcast/General Electric joint venture of NBC Universal, as well as Disney and News Corp.