SFC Energy AG and Sortimo International GmbH are unveiling their collaboration on projects and technologies. Within the scope of this collaboration, both companies are developing a stand-alone, modular energy supply solution for special-purpose vehicles. This flexible, complete solution is also suitable for mobile use at the operation site and is aimed at authorities, trade, energy suppliers and service providers. The system solution is based on the L-BOXX by Sortimo and SFC fuel cell technology.
The L-BOXX is a mobile logistic box system, which can be loaded in the vehicle with small parts, tools and machines, and is already successfully established as a standard for commercial vehicles. The system also serves as a mobile service box on site, when working for the customer. Fuel cell systems by SFC are already successfully used as “Auxiliary Power Units” (APUs) to provide an on-board power supply in numerous official and special-purpose vehicles. For mobile office technology, test-, service- and monitoring vehicles, they are used for off-grid energy supply, and provide a reliable supply of environmentally-friendly electricity for laptops, measuring and diagnostic devices, tools, dataloggers and sensors.