I have written about statistics,
and various traps people often fall into when examining data before
Statistics Insights for Scientists and Engineers,
Data Can’t Lie – But People Can be Fooled,
Correlation is Not Causation,
Simpson’s Paradox). And also have posted about reasons
for systemic reasons for medical studies presenting misleading
results (
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False,
How to Deal with False Research Findings,
Medical Study Integrity (or Lack Thereof),
Surprising New Diabetes Data). This post collects some
discussion on the topic from several blogs and studies.
HIV Vaccines, p values, and Proof by David Rind
expect to see a difference as large or larger than the one seen in
this trial only 4 in 100 times. This is distinctly different from
saying that there is a 96% chance that this result is correct,
which is how many people wrongly interpret such a p value.
So, the modestly positive result found in the trial must be weighed
against our prior belief that such a vaccine would fail. Had the
vaccine been dramatically protective, giving us much stronger
evidence of efficacy, our prior doubts would be more likely to give
way in the face of high quality evidence of benefit.
While the actual analysis the investigators decided to make primary
would be completely appropriate had it been specified up front, it
now suffers under the concern of showing marginal significance
after three bites at the statistical apple; these three bites have
to adversely affect our belief in the importance of that p value.
And, it’s not so obvious why they would have reported this
result rather than excluding those 7 patients from the per protocol
analysis and making that the primary analysis; there might have
been yet a fourth analysis that could have been reported had it
shown that all important p value below 0.05.
to Avoid Commonly Encountered Limitations of Published Clinical
Trials by Sanjay Kaul, MD and and George A. Diamond, MD
although they enable assessment of nonfatal events and improve
trial efficiency and statistical precision, entail a number of
shortcomings that can potentially undermine the scientific validity
of the conclusions drawn from these trials. Finally, clinical
trials often employ extensive subgroup analysis. However, lack of
attention to proper methods can lead to chance findings that might
misinform research and result in suboptimal practice.
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False by John P. A.
published research findings are false…
a research finding is less likely to be true when the studies
conducted in a field are smaller; when effect sizes are smaller;
when there is a greater number and lesser preselection of tested
relationships; where there is greater flexibility in designs,
definitions, outcomes, and analytical modes; when there is greater
financial and other interest and prejudice; and when more teams are
involved in a scientific field in chase of statistical
A finding from a well-conducted, adequately powered randomized
controlled trial starting with a 50% pre-study chance that the
intervention is effective is eventually true about 85% of the
We’re so good at medical studies that most of them are
wrong by John Timmer
tests, there’s a 95 percent chance that you’ll get a
significant result at random. And, let’s face itresearchers
want to see a significant result, so there’s a strong,
unintentional bias towards trying different tests until something
pops out.
even the same factor can be accounted for using different
mathematical means. The models also make decisions on how best
handle things like measuring exposures or health outcomes. The net
result is that two models can be fed an identical dataset, and
still produce a different answer.
Odds are, it’s wrong by Tom Siegfried
published findings are false, but his analysis came under fire for
statistical shortcomings of its own. “It may be true, but he
didnt prove it,” says biostatistician Steven Goodman of the
Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health. On the other
hand, says Goodman, the basic message stands. “There are more
false claims made in the medical literature than anybody
appreciates,” he says. “There’s no question about
“Determining the best treatment for a particular patient is
fundamentally different from determining which treatment is best on
average,” physicians David Kent and Rodney Hayward wrote in
American Scientist in 2007. “Reporting a single number gives
the misleading impression that the treatment-effect is a property
of the drug rather than of the interaction between the drug and the
complex risk-benefit profile of a particular group of
Bigger Impact: 15 to 18 mpg or 50 to 100 mpg? – Meaningful debates
need clear information –
Seeing Patterns Where None Exists –
Fooled by Randomness –
Poor Reporting and Unfounded Implications –
Illusion of Explanatory Depth –
Mistakes in Experimental Design and Interpretation