Verizon is now offering its 50 Mbps FiOS Internet service in parts of five counties in the Tampa, Fla., area. The 50 Mbps tier is thus far available in six of the 16 states where Verizon has deployed FiOS.
The mid-tier maximum connection rates in those six markets was increased from 15 Mbps downstream and 2 Mbps upstream to 20 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up, while the top-tier service was increased from maximums of 30 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up to 50 Mbps down and 5 Mbps up.
The six states where Verizon’s 50 Mbps tier is now available are Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, and Rhode Island. Other FiOS markets will get the tier this year.
Verizon said that more than 6 million homes and businesses in parts of 16 states are now passed by its fiber network, but it declined to say how many of those could subscribe to the 50 Mbps tier. The TV franchise agreements Verizon has struck in the Tampa area cover only a few thousand households.