The AIM-TTi SMU4000 Source Measure Unit Series integrates a fast and agile high-power, four-quadrant voltage/current source with advanced precise voltage/current meters as an all-in-one test solution. Precisely supplying positive and negative voltages, sourcing or sinking power, while simultaneously measuring both current and voltage, makes these instruments candidates for rapid I-V characterization. The PowerFlex autoranging design […]
Hand-held spectrum analyzers come in 1.3 and 2.7-GHz versions
The Aim-TTi PSA Series 3 RF Spectrum Analyzers are available in 1.3 GHz and 2.7 GHz versions and have long battery lives with improvements over the previous Series 2 instruments, even rivalling more expensive handheld RF products. Improvements include a lower noise floor for increased sensitivity, a new frequency counter, additional RMS, Sample, and Average […]
Bench power supply provides up to 80 V or 50 A at 750 W
The Aim-TTi QPX750SP 750-W single-output dc power supply can provide voltages between 80 V at 9.4 A and 12 V at 50 A with a maximum resolution of 0.1 mV. This laboratory power supply is designed to provide a flexible choice of voltage and current to meet multiple application needs. It is housed in a […]
High-performance programmable 2-channel 40-240-MHz function/arbitrary generators create complex low-distortion waveforms
The AIM-TTi TGF4000 Series dual-channel arbitrary waveform generators include models to 240 MHz offering exceptionally low harmonic distortion and phase noise. The TGF4000 series features an audio-band total harmonic distortion of just 0.05%. The TGF4000’s pulse generator design provides an exceptional pulse width resolution of 100 psec over a period range from 10 nses to […]