SparkFun Electronics’ SparkX division, led by founder Nathan Seidle, has released the company’s first open-source, embedded-systems module — SparkFun Artemis, Engineering Version — to empower engineers, prototypers, and R&D teams to integrate the TensorFlow machine-learning platform into any design. Additionally, the team has launched three boards with the unshielded module: BlackBoard Artemis; BlackBoard Artemis Nano; and BlackBoard Artemis […]
Ultra-low power development board for machine learning uses GoogleTensorFlow Lite
The SparkFun Edge, a new development board powered by Apollo3 from Ambiq, is now shipping from The SparkFun Edge was created in collaboration with Google’s TensorFlow Lite team to create new tools for developers to bring voice and gesture recognition to edge devices. The Apollo3 from Ambiq uses a Cortex M4 processor with 384KB […]
Digikey now stocking SparkFun, Cypress PSoC 6 Wireless Sensor Network IoT development platform
Cypress Semiconductor Corp., SparkFun, and Digi-Key, a global electronic components distributor, have collaborated to deliver a joint IoT development platform that allows makers and engineers of all kinds to prototype sensor-to-cloud solutions quickly and easily. To enable even more dynamic IoT development, SparkFun created an add-on shieldthat simplifies system designs with the Cypress PSoC 6 microcontroller (MCU), which is purpose-built […]