Fiber optic connector aces Bucket-of-Mud test
It only takes a small grain of hair or debris to cause a loss of signal in a fiber optic connector — and that’s enough to create a data or networking center migraine. Bulgin’s 4000 Series Fibre Simplex connector remedies that situation using an expanded beam that culminates the light so that it can tolerate rubbish and still work in harsh environments, as well as clean rooms. The mil-spec-equivalent connector is made of plastic making it affordable while still being capable of mating with mil-spec connectors. And these connectors aren’t afraid of the Bucket-of-Mud test: take the connectors apart and put them into the mud, rinse them off, and mate them back up again.
Featuring a secure quick twist (30°) bayonet connection, the 4000 Series Fibre Simplex connector accommodates durable mechanical mating. Its industry standard LC interfaces (IEC 61754-20) features color-coded O-rings and washers for ease of identification. Mounting body options include Flex, Flex In-Line, and Rear Panel styles.
NEXT PAGE: Time-of-flight takes flight with QVGA sensor chipset
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