It’s June and for sensor people that has meant Sensors Expo in San Jose for many years. This year with the coronavirus dictating the terms, Sensors Expo has been postponed until Nov. 16-18 but it still will be held in San Jose, CA. Traditional pre-conference symposia, including Implementing Energy Harvesting and Higher Energy Efficiency Sensor […]
sensors expo
What’s new in printed/flexible stretchable and functional fabric sensors?
By winning one of TIME Magazine’s Best Inventions 2018 Awards in the Gears and Gadgets category, BeBop Sensors fabric sensors have put printed/flexible stretchable (P/F/S) and functional fabric (FF) sensors on many people’s radar. Over four million of their sensors are in daily use in products such as gloves, helmets and more. Of course, this […]
What is the future of engineering education?
Whether you have interest for a family member or friend that you would like to pursue engineering as a career choice or are just concerned about how future engineering students will be educated, the answer(s) to this question are extremely relevant. Of course, you could do a web search to see what has already been […]