Septentrio announces the extension of its established mosaicTM family of compact GNSS receiver modules with the mosaic-G5 receiver range. These new modules will broaden the field of applications powered by Septentrio technology since they offer a size reduction of 60% and a power consumption reduction of 40% compared to the mosaic-X5 receiver. This substantial reduction…
Keeping hackers out of GPS receivers
Resilient GPS/GNSS receivers protect inertial navigation systems from jamming and spoofing. Maria Simsky, Septentrio The demand for accurate and affordable navigation is on the rise thanks to the growth of automation and robotization. Of course, the go-to technology for navigation is GPS—able to locate receiver position to within 16 ft or less—and other GNSSs: Russia’s […]
GNSS core bundled with Wi-Fi, UHF and 4G LTE features
Septentrio announces the launch of AsteRx-U3, which is the successor of the popular AsteRx-U multi-frequency GNSS receiver for construction, mining, and other machine control applications. This new product combines Septentrio’s latest triple-band precise positioning GNSS core with extended wireless communication features including Wi-Fi, UHF, and 4G LTE. The versatile connectivity features of this receiver make […]
GNSS receivers to get OSNMA functions
Septentrio announced the release of OSNMA functionality on their mosaic GNSS receiver modules. OSNMA (Open Service Navigation Message Authentication) offers end-to-end authentication on Galileo’s civilian signals, protecting receivers from GNSS spoofing attacks. Spoofing is a malicious form of radio interference, where faulty positioning information is sent to the receiver. For the last 2 years, Septentrio […]
GNSS receivers support CLAS service in Japan
Septentrio has launched three new products: mosaic-CLAS, AsteRx-m3 CLAS, and AsteRx SB3 CLAS, which support Japan’s high-accuracy Centimeter Level Augmentation Service (CLAS). These multi-frequency GNSS receivers support CLAS on a single device, thanks to the latest GNSS technology which receives the L6 signal, which transmits high-accuracy corrections from Japan’s QZSS** constellation. This technology was developed […]
GPS/GNSS module receiver now sports BLE/WiFi capabilities
Septentrio announces an important addition to the open-source resources for their GPS/GNSS module receivers: mosaicTM wireless or simply mowi. It combines the Septentrio mosaic-X5 or mosaic-H module receiver with a dual-mode Bluetooth and integrated Wi-Fi from the well-known ESP32- WRover programmable module by Espressif Systems. It is an addition to the already existing mosaicHAT board, designed on the Raspberry Pi platform. The mowi project facilitates accurate and reliable GNSS positioning for robotic and autonomous devices, on a hardware level. Numerous engineers […]
GNSS/INS receiver modules handle high-accuracy positioning, 3D orientation, pitch and roll-angle apps
Septentrio announced the launch of a new product line of high-performance GNSS/INS receivers called AsteRx-i3. The AsteRx-i3 product family brings to market an array of next-generation receivers from plug-and-play navigation solutions to feature-rich receivers with raw measurement access. OEM boards are available for rapid integration as well as ruggedized receivers enclosed in a waterproof IP68 housing. Such product variety accommodates specific needs of various applications which require high accuracy positioning together with 3D orientation, heading, pitch, and roll angles. […]
Dual-antenna GNSS receiver system boasts sub-decimeter corrections
Septentrio announces the launch of the AsteRx-m3 Sx OEM board. This new dual-antenna receiver combines Septentrio’s latest core GNSS technology with the SECORX-S sub-decimeter correction service, enabling convenient plug-and-play positioning. High-accuracy positioning is available directly out of the box as GNSS corrections are automatically streamed to the receiver. This significantly simplifies the user’s GNSS receiver […]
Tiny, dual-antenna GPS/GNSS module provides accurate positioning and heading
Septentrio expands its GNSS module portfolio with a mosaic-H heading receiver. With dual antenna capabilities, this surface mount module delivers reliable heading & pitch or heading & roll information on top of centimeter-level positioning. mosaic-H is the new addition to Septentrio’s existing mosaic module family, which already includes high-performance RTK and timing modules as well […]
Open-source software, hardware advances autonomous applications with GNSS
Septentrio announces two important open-source resources for its GPS/GNSS module receivers. The first, ROSaic, is a ROS (Robot Operating System) driver for the mosaic-X5 module as well as other Septentrio GNSS receivers. The second project, mosaicHAT, is an open-source hardware reference design combining mosaic-X5 with a Raspberry Pi single-board computer. Both projects facilitate the integration […]